Letter from Ololade Adewumi

After a quick 45-minute early morning exercise….. relaxing at my small balcony … sipping Cappuccino coffee  

I decided to pen down my life journey so far as related to education and certificate in order to tweak your mentality

Fortunately, 3 costly lessons came to my mind. ….which can be helpful to you if you read carefully till the end. 

By the way, I practice Networking and Cybersecurity as a profession. And I also run marketing campaign for a living.

Unfortunately, I bagged certificates (in electrical and computer engineering) I never used till date after attending both university and polytechnic.

Whereby, at the end of the day, I resorted to self-learning, development, and professional training, in order to prepare myself against the reality that school deceived me and you about.

I noticed that all we did in school was to be finding the value of “x”……lol. Maybe you are even still in school finding same x value  

“Value of x” that has no usefulness till date…….mtweee!

I don’t even want to remember all the stress……”coz e dey pain me as am writing this”

But we move!

Without further epistle, let’s dive into the expensive reason why going to school may be a worst mistake ever: 

Expensive reason #1: if you are only certificate oriented and not employer’s demand or solution oriented.

Number one priority of every employer in applicants is problem-solving ability.

Quick note here, you can be skillful and lack problem-solving ability (story for another day)

The day I totally lost interest in bagging certification was when I noticed that 95% of interviewers never asked for my certificates when searching for job back then,

Can you imagine!

Instead, interviewers would ask me: “what can you do”, or “what can you offer”, or “what have you done before” or “tell us what you know about XYZ”.

These questions dominated all the interviews I attended.

Let’s move to the second point.

Expensive reason #2: if you are not skill oriented

Second time I lost interest in certification was when I discovered that ………At my former workplace, majority of my colleagues had no certification and they were all earning higher than me.

This also beat my imagination!

Reason being that they were more skillful and able to solve more problems than me.

While they were banking on their skills and problem-solving ability, I was busy banking on certificate.

I discovered this is the reason why many graduate are not employable, as employers see them as liabilities.


Expensive reason #3: if you have zero business idea coupled with zero self-development

Another shock of my life was when I discovered, that my former employer had only SSCE.

I’m talking of someone controlling businesses worth millions of dollars.

According to him he was rusticated at the third year in the university due to his obsession with business activities.

And since then, he never bordered to go back to school but instead self developed himself

I must confess this man business skills are top notch.

These are reasons why I stop bagging certification till date.

So, I implore you to learn and harness power of skills by shifting your mindset away from ONLY getting certifications.

Certificate will only serve as a “Crown” to your acquired skills.

If there is no substantial skill, then the “Crown will be useless”, i.e., if there is no head to wear the crown, then the crown is useless.

In fact, things I do today do not require school or certificate.

You can click learn more button to attend my FREE training on some of the high income skills.

Learning these skills will put more cash into your pocket, to pay your bills, buy new cars, buy new house, have peace of mind, have enough free time without depending on anyone for money.

The training is totally FREE.

And what I will show you will work for you,

-Even if you do 9-5 job

-Even if you are a student

-Even if you never go to school

-Even if you have zero experience

All you need is your brain, and hard work.

See you in class!

PS: Seats are limited

Click learn more to access the training NOW for FREE!!